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A comprehensive security strategy that is coordinated in detail offers cost-effective risk protection. Undefined and uncoordinated security solutions, on the other hand, can hinder companies in achieving their business objectives.

No wind blows favourably for a ship that does not know its harbour.

Almost 2000 years ago, the Roman philosopher Seneca, who is quoted here, pointed out that defining goals is essential for success. And just like a ship whose destination harbour is unclear, a company without a security strategy is adrift. Determining the current situation, setting objectives and defining a strategy based on this, which is then consistently implemented with the appropriate measures: What should actually be standard for every investment in information security is still usually neglected.

Too often, people react to external pressure or operational necessity under time pressure without considering the overall situation. Highly praised products are quickly purchased and installed without having clarified their integration or further operation.

And so the lack of a strategy leads to inefficient allocation of resources and a lack of alignment with business objectives. It is not uncommon for a patchwork of security solutions without a holistic view and integration to lead to a braking effect instead of cost-efficient insurance and security for companies.

Strategy development

Strategy development begins with an assessment of the current situation. Where does the company stand in terms of information security and to what extent do the measures taken support the achievement of the company’s objectives? Knowledge of external requirements, such as laws, as well as internal processes and company values or knowledge of the current threat landscape are fundamental to the development of a strategy. Benchmarks and maturity analyses can be included as an analysis tool. The focus should always be on the company’s objectives and the assets to be protected.

Strategic planning

As part of strategy development, the path to the goal is defined during planning. Ideally, measurable goals and time horizons are defined. Detailed annual plans are also often used, which are supplemented by a rolling 3-year plan. However, a strategy can also be integrated into agile planning. Regardless of the form of planning, the commitment of all departments involved and the resources required for implementation should be ensured. The ensec crew supports companies on the way to achieving their goals reliably and measurably.

From a business perspective

Welcome protection instead of a necessary evil.

A security strategy is often a necessary evil for the management of a company or even worse: a negligible factor that costs too much. This is a fatal attitude, because security is essentially a valuable insurance policy.

Other positive effects: Increased customer confidence, optimised processes, improved allocation of resources and managers who can sleep soundly in the knowledge that they have done their job well.

The right cover ensures appropriate and cost-effective risk protection. Strategy development is comparable to carefully analysing the insurance situation and making recommendations based on this analysis.

ensec supports companies in the development and implementation of adequate protection – without overinsurance or underinsurance.

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