Content Security
Are you losing sleep over your staff’s unrestricted Internet access? Let’s talk about content security: Whether it’s emails or website access, our solution keeps malware out. Our expertise in handling the solution ensures secure data traffic without making life difficult for users.
Keep dangerous Internet content outside
Wouldn’t it be great if your workforce could access any website without any negative consequences for information security? Whether it’s a site full of legitimate content or a malware sinkhole that employees have been lured to by a convincing phishing message?
In fact, this is feasible: The web security solution favoured by ensec switches between your users’ browsers and the websites they access. The intermediary system retrieves the desired content, renders it and only sends the screen content to your users’ browsers – but not active content or even downloads. The latter only find their way to the end users’ computers after they have been dynamically scanned for malware in a sandbox environment. No end device executes unchecked code.
Simple principle, tricky configuration
Admittedly, the principle behind our preferred solution for isolation sounds simple. And in practice, it is. This is because we configure the solution in such a way that it remains as invisible as possible and is therefore accepted. After all, an information security component is only ever effective if it does not hinder users in their work.
ensec has experience in designing the solution, customised sizing and implementing the software. You benefit from this expertise because you can put a protection component into operation that works straight away. Regardless of whether you need to serve several hundred or – like our largest content security customer to date – several thousand users.
We not only complete the proof of concept with you and a selected group of users. We also carry out a pilot phase with 50 or 100 users and help you to adapt your internal processes (for example, helpdesk or engineering). Our specialists will also work with you before implementation to determine how the isolation solution evaluates files to be downloaded, when it only warns and when it prevents downloads.
Email encryption – without user intervention
Just as with web isolation, the same applies to securing email communication – it’s best if users don’t even notice that their messages are being encrypted and decrypted. The content security solution should handle encryption automatically in the background if required. And this is exactly what you achieve with our preferred solution. Our experts work with you to develop the criteria that the solution uses to decide whether a message should be sent encrypted or in plain text.
It doesn’t matter whether the recipients have an S/MIME certificate or a PGP key – they can read and reply to the encrypted messages in either case. The system independently searches for the secure transport route to the recipient. Our solution also takes care of the tiresome issue of certificate management from an IT perspective. The software can be connected to a public key infrastructure (PKI) and then manages all user certificates itself. Expired certificates on end devices are therefore a thing of the past.
Do you want to do it yourself, or should we?
Do you see a need for a content security solution? But don’t (currently) have the human resources to operate it? Then let’s talk about a managed security service. In this case, we not only design and integrate the solution, we also operate it for you – in your own data centre. Ideally, we will also take over the operation of your web gateway, as the two components need to work closely together to maximise the effect.
Content Security in detail
E-Mail Security
Email is considered the number one gateway for cyber attacks. In addition to the continued importance of eliminating classic attack methods, email security should also be able to protect against zero-day attacks, even with cloud-based services such as O365.
Web Isolation
Browser isolation protects your network and endpoint from web-based threats such as malware by running web activity in an isolated environment.
Sandboxing counteracts zero-day attacks by testing files and URLs in a virtual environment. Cloud-based sandbox solutions also help to maintain network performance and save costs at the same time.
Data Transfer
Secure data exchange is a must for every company. This requires solutions that ensure the integrity and authenticity of data and enable secure transfer both internally and externally.
E-Mail Encryption
To prevent the content of emails from being read or even manipulated, emails with sensitive data should at least be encrypted. Simple integration into the existing system architecture must be taken into account when evaluating such a solution.
Only sensible investments also bring more security.
The solutions described for filtering and isolating web traffic sound too tempting. Which IT organisation doesn’t prick up its ears when “secure surfing” is promised?
However, we would like to warn against making hasty decisions: do not purchase a solution without knowing the specifics of sizing and configuration.
ensec ensures that you don’t burn your budget in vain. We integrate the content security solution – be it a simple URL filter on the firewall gateway, a stand-alone and granularly configurable URL filter solution for up to several thousand users or a combination of these with an isolation component for a general increase in security and, of course, any other security solution – into your infrastructure in such a way that your investment can bear fruit. In this case: to enable “secure surfing”.
May we personally provide you with arguments in favour of ensec? Please contact us.