ensec Facts & Figures
On course for success since its foundation. There are good reasons for this.
ensec is a young company with a core team that has worked together for years. Before the company was founded in 2016, most of the current management team and employees had already worked together in a renowned IT company. When this company was sold, the crew around CEO Mike Schuler decided to found their own company. With success.
Interview with Mike Schuler, August 2024: “Some customers placed their trust in us very early on and quickly followed us to ensec, others waited a little longer and completely new customers were also acquired – so 0 customers have become over 100 to date. A nice growth that we are very proud of.”
founded with registered office in Au (ZH)
Employees, very experienced, highly motivated and qualified
We want to minimise our carbon footprint as much as possible. We are currently working with myclimate to calculate our emissions and are actively committed to offsetting them by co-financing climate protection projects.

Sarah Reich, Marketing & HR Manager
PCI Data Security Standard
Certified according to standard v3.2.1: Managed Services MSP
General customer satisfaction. 82% very satisfied, 15% satisfied, 3% no direct feedback.
ISO quality management certification.
ISO environmental management certification
ISO information security certification for our Managed Security Service
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